Terms and Conditions

You’ll require consulting an expert medical professional to treat your symptoms, ailments, or medical conditions as per your requirements.

You are advised not to rely solely on the content provided on this website and not to indulge in self-medication.

All arguments and disputes pertaining to the use of the website https://hairfreehairgrowbangladesh.com or any terms and conditions related to this website shall be determined by arbitration in terms of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.

You consent that linking to any off-site pages is at your own risk.

You are permitted to view or download our brochure from this website for non-commercial or personal use only.

No part of this site may be transmitted to another website, nor should it be included in any private or public electronic retrieval system without written permission.

If you think that you have a medical problem, please contact a qualified healthcare professional immediately. If you suspect you may have a medical emergency, call for emergency medical help immediately.

You should always consult and rely upon the guidance of your own qualified physician and medical advisors with respect to the evaluation, diagnosis, management, or treatment of any condition or disease.

You agree to assume all responsibility in connection with choosing any healthcare provider, whether or not you obtained information about such healthcare providers through https://hairfreehairgrowbangladesh.com.

By accepting these terms & conditions, you agree and warrant not to use this information as a substitute for evaluating, self-diagnosing, managing, or treating a health or hair problem, condition, or disease.

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