Direct Hair Transplant

DHT – This is a real-time hair transplant technique where hair grafts are implanted back into the recipient area in a very short period.

DHT procedure is always performed by certified hair transplant surgeons, unlike FUE and FUT procedures that are mostly done by technicians. DHT’s technique implants the hair graft directly to the bald area with full control over depth, angle, and direction ensuring natural results.

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Hair Line Marking and Planning of Bald Area.

Direct Hair Transplantation:

Advanced Follicular Unit Extraction Technique

The survival rate of extracted hair grafts depends on outside body time, temperature, handling, and solution to preserve the graft. We have improved all these factors in the direct hair transplant technique to deliver 100% natural results

Hair transplantation is a surgical treatment of androgenic alopecia or Genetic baldness and accidental scar

In this, DHT is the advanced follicular unit extraction technique of hair transplant and is the most advanced hair restoration method over globally nowadays

In this technique, we extract the hair follicles from the occipital and temporal areas back side of the scalp and then immediately implant into the frontal and vertex areas of the bald scalp simultaneously

Transient time of graft will improve significantly, improve mechanical trauma, improve the hydration and temperature overall improve the significant graft survival rate

Other factors reducing graft survival are mechanical injury (transaction during dissection, crushing by forceps during implantation), dehydration, chemical solutions, heat, and hypoxia

Another important factor termed as the ‘H’ or the ‘Human’ factor was proposed as the cause of many poor results by Greco.

Our hair transplant surgeon’s observation was the same factor

 He suggested that improper graft handling during all stages of the surgery, staff behavior, or a cavalier attitude to graft handling were the contributors to the ‘H-factor’

That’s the reason our center, hair transplant procedure happens maximum part by hair transplant surgeon only to avoid H-Factor

a new innovative instrument called the surgically advanced follicular extraction (SAFE) system was introduced by Dr. Harris, with extremely low transaction rates

The Standard FUE Hair Transplant Procedure Follows The Below Protocols

✅ Graft Extraction

✅ Creation of Recipient Sites

✅ Graft Implantation


But Differ in DHT Hair Transplant Technique

We Changed the steps of all Stages of the Procedure 

✅ First Create The Incision Slit At The Recipient Sites

✅ Second Start Hair Graft Extraction

✅ Simultaneously Graft Implantation Without Mechanical Trauma


While the physician is extracting the graft by using a serrated 0.7 or 0.8 mm punch and the surgical assistants are implanting the graft with the help of KEEP IMPLANTOR in the recipient area simultaneously Process is better streamlined to ensure better graft survival.

There is no need to store the grafts in any storage solution as like other FUE techniques.

Limmer performed an in vivo ‘time out of body’ study using chilled NS with follicular unit grafts to study the micrograft survival rates. The results were, 2 h, 95%; 4 h, 90%; 6 h, 86%; 8 h, 88%; 24 h, 79%; 48 h, 54%. He related a good ‘rule of thumb’, stating that the loss was roughly 1%/h. Better storage solutions may improve these statistics.

We use a hypothermal solution for storage and clean the graft meanwhile to improve survival and viability 

The FUE technique is a well-established method of hair restoration nowadays, and we agree that the experienced FUE surgeons who have high extraction speeds of 500–1200 grafts/h can extract and implant the grafts within 1–2 h. If the graft storage is done under ideal conditions of cold temperature and hydration is maintained, then the graft survival is fine and the results of the surgery are good. It is a well-known fact that hair transplant surgery is a combination of art and science. All the well-established surgeons, at both national and international levels, have minor as well as major differences in their techniques of hair transplantation. However, they have mastered their own methods through continuous practice. Similarly, constant practice and diligence are required to attain mastery of the DHT technique.

In the standard FUE procedure, the time taken for extraction of all the grafts varies from 1–3 h (depending upon the number of grafts and the extraction speed of the surgeon, which varies from 500–1000 grafts/h). Thereafter, the time taken for the creation of recipient sites varies from 15–30 min, and for graft implantation, it varies from 1 to 2 h. Thus, the ‘time out of body’ of the harvested grafts varies from 1 to 2 h. But, in the DHT procedure, since the steps of scoring, extraction, and implantation are initiated simultaneously, the ‘time out of body’ of the harvested grafts varies from 2 to 20 min. To complete the 2 stages of DHT for every 100–150 grafts, the time period varies from 10 to 25 min.

DHT hair transplant technique significantly reduces the hair graft transit time as compared to the Standard FUE, and thus minimizes the physical handling, mechanical trauma, hypoxia, infection, maintaining cool temperature, hydration of graft, and ZERO damage during implantation. It is an effective surgical modality for hair restoration.

A Surgeon will be able to control the depth, angulation, and density of the implantation meticulously using a crystal diamond sapphire blade

Increased Survival Rate of the Graft during Hair Transplantation

As the hair grafts implant to a bald area within a short time outside the body and are less mechanical handling to an increased rate of survival 

FASTER Healing Times after Hair Transplantation

During implantation, very less handling and trauma to the transplanted grafts can improve the incidence of shock loss and shedding of transplanted hair compared to grafts implanted by using forceps.


Hairfree Hairgrow : Real Solutions Behind Celebrities' Perfect Hairlines

Celebrities, with their seemingly reel perfect lives, face hair loss in their real life just like anyone else. And we at HFHG give the top priority to natural looking hairline, providing an unreal look is the reason why many leading Celebrities have trusted HFHG for their HT. No more, just confidence-boosting results. Celebrities may choose 


Considerations Regarding Direct Hair Transplant Surgery:

  • Completely Natural Result
  • 100% Success Rate
  • Higher Price For The Patient
  • Longer Surgery Time

Direct hair transplant surgery is more expensive.

because the full procedure requires the presence of 1 or 2 skilled and expert hair transplant surgeons and the surgical staff and the process can be more time-consuming.

While you get extra assurance that your hair transplant result is being given every chance to be natural and successful,